#!/usr/bin/env python # This will create golden files in a directory passed to it. # A Test calls this internally to create the golden files # So it can process them (so we don't have to checkin the files). # Ensure msgpack-python and cbor are installed first, using: # sudo apt-get install python-dev # sudo apt-get install python-pip # pip install --user msgpack-python msgpack-rpc-python cbor # Ensure all "string" keys are utf strings (else encoded as bytes) from __future__ import print_function import cbor, msgpack, msgpackrpc, sys, os, threading def get_test_data_list(): # get list with all primitive types, and a combo type l0 = [ -8, -1616, -32323232, -6464646464646464, 192, 1616, 32323232, 6464646464646464, 192, -3232.0, -6464646464.0, 3232.0, 6464.0, 6464646464.0, False, True, u"null", None, u"some&day>some 0 if stopTimeSec > 0: def myStopRpcServer(): server.stop() t = threading.Timer(stopTimeSec, myStopRpcServer) t.start() server.start() def doRpcClientToPythonSvc(port): address = msgpackrpc.Address('', port) client = msgpackrpc.Client(address, unpack_encoding='utf-8') print(client.call("Echo123", "A1", "B2", "C3")) print(client.call("EchoStruct", {"A" :"Aa", "B":"Bb", "C":"Cc"})) def doRpcClientToGoSvc(port): # print(">>>> port: ", port, " <<<<<") address = msgpackrpc.Address('', port) client = msgpackrpc.Client(address, unpack_encoding='utf-8') print(client.call("TestRpcInt.Echo123", ["A1", "B2", "C3"])) print(client.call("TestRpcInt.EchoStruct", {"A" :"Aa", "B":"Bb", "C":"Cc"})) def doMain(args): if len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "testdata": build_test_data(args[1]) elif len(args) == 3 and args[0] == "rpc-server": doRpcServer(int(args[1]), int(args[2])) elif len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "rpc-client-python-service": doRpcClientToPythonSvc(int(args[1])) elif len(args) == 2 and args[0] == "rpc-client-go-service": doRpcClientToGoSvc(int(args[1])) else: print("Usage: test.py " + "[testdata|rpc-server|rpc-client-python-service|rpc-client-go-service] ...") if __name__ == "__main__": doMain(sys.argv[1:])