// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file. package codec import ( "bufio" "bytes" "encoding/hex" "math" "os" "regexp" "strings" "testing" ) func TestCborIndefiniteLength(t *testing.T) { oldMapType := testCborH.MapType defer func() { testCborH.MapType = oldMapType }() testCborH.MapType = testMapStrIntfTyp // var ( // M1 map[string][]byte // M2 map[uint64]bool // L1 []interface{} // S1 []string // B1 []byte // ) var v, vv interface{} // define it (v), encode it using indefinite lengths, decode it (vv), compare v to vv v = map[string]interface{}{ "one-byte-key": []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, "two-string-key": "two-value", "three-list-key": []interface{}{true, false, uint64(1), int64(-1)}, } var buf bytes.Buffer // buf.Reset() e := NewEncoder(&buf, testCborH) buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteMap) //---- buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteString) e.MustEncode("one-") e.MustEncode("byte-") e.MustEncode("key") buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteBytes) e.MustEncode([]byte{1, 2, 3}) e.MustEncode([]byte{4, 5, 6}) buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) //---- buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteString) e.MustEncode("two-") e.MustEncode("string-") e.MustEncode("key") buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteString) e.MustEncode([]byte("two-")) // encode as bytes, to check robustness of code e.MustEncode([]byte("value")) buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) //---- buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteString) e.MustEncode("three-") e.MustEncode("list-") e.MustEncode("key") buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) buf.WriteByte(cborBdIndefiniteArray) e.MustEncode(true) e.MustEncode(false) e.MustEncode(uint64(1)) e.MustEncode(int64(-1)) buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) buf.WriteByte(cborBdBreak) // close map NewDecoderBytes(buf.Bytes(), testCborH).MustDecode(&vv) if err := deepEqual(v, vv); err != nil { t.Logf("-------- Before and After marshal do not match: Error: %v", err) if testVerbose { t.Logf(" ....... GOLDEN: (%T) %#v", v, v) t.Logf(" ....... DECODED: (%T) %#v", vv, vv) } t.FailNow() } } type testCborGolden struct { Base64 string `codec:"cbor"` Hex string `codec:"hex"` Roundtrip bool `codec:"roundtrip"` Decoded interface{} `codec:"decoded"` Diagnostic string `codec:"diagnostic"` Skip bool `codec:"skip"` } // Some tests are skipped because they include numbers outside the range of int64/uint64 func TestCborGoldens(t *testing.T) { oldMapType := testCborH.MapType defer func() { testCborH.MapType = oldMapType }() testCborH.MapType = testMapStrIntfTyp // decode test-cbor-goldens.json into a list of []*testCborGolden // for each one, // - decode hex into []byte bs // - decode bs into interface{} v // - compare both using deepequal // - for any miss, record it var gs []*testCborGolden f, err := os.Open("test-cbor-goldens.json") if err != nil { t.Logf("error opening test-cbor-goldens.json: %v", err) t.FailNow() } defer f.Close() jh := new(JsonHandle) jh.MapType = testMapStrIntfTyp // d := NewDecoder(f, jh) d := NewDecoder(bufio.NewReader(f), jh) // err = d.Decode(&gs) d.MustDecode(&gs) if err != nil { t.Logf("error json decoding test-cbor-goldens.json: %v", err) t.FailNow() } tagregex := regexp.MustCompile(`[\d]+\(.+?\)`) hexregex := regexp.MustCompile(`h'([0-9a-fA-F]*)'`) for i, g := range gs { // fmt.Printf("%v, skip: %v, isTag: %v, %s\n", i, g.Skip, tagregex.MatchString(g.Diagnostic), g.Diagnostic) // skip tags or simple or those with prefix, as we can't verify them. if g.Skip || strings.HasPrefix(g.Diagnostic, "simple(") || tagregex.MatchString(g.Diagnostic) { // fmt.Printf("%v: skipped\n", i) if testVerbose { t.Logf("[%v] skipping because skip=true OR unsupported simple value or Tag Value", i) } continue } // println("++++++++++++", i, "g.Diagnostic", g.Diagnostic) if hexregex.MatchString(g.Diagnostic) { // println(i, "g.Diagnostic matched hex") if s2 := g.Diagnostic[2 : len(g.Diagnostic)-1]; s2 == "" { g.Decoded = zeroByteSlice } else if bs2, err2 := hex.DecodeString(s2); err2 == nil { g.Decoded = bs2 } // fmt.Printf("%v: hex: %v\n", i, g.Decoded) } bs, err := hex.DecodeString(g.Hex) if err != nil { t.Logf("[%v] error hex decoding %s [%v]: %v", i, g.Hex, g.Hex, err) t.FailNow() } var v interface{} NewDecoderBytes(bs, testCborH).MustDecode(&v) if _, ok := v.(RawExt); ok { continue } // check the diagnostics to compare switch g.Diagnostic { case "Infinity": b := math.IsInf(v.(float64), 1) testCborError(t, i, math.Inf(1), v, nil, &b) case "-Infinity": b := math.IsInf(v.(float64), -1) testCborError(t, i, math.Inf(-1), v, nil, &b) case "NaN": // println(i, "checking NaN") b := math.IsNaN(v.(float64)) testCborError(t, i, math.NaN(), v, nil, &b) case "undefined": b := v == nil testCborError(t, i, nil, v, nil, &b) default: v0 := g.Decoded // testCborCoerceJsonNumber(rv4i(&v0)) testCborError(t, i, v0, v, deepEqual(v0, v), nil) } } } func testCborError(t *testing.T, i int, v0, v1 interface{}, err error, equal *bool) { if err == nil && equal == nil { // fmt.Printf("%v testCborError passed (err and equal nil)\n", i) return } if err != nil { t.Logf("[%v] deepEqual error: %v", i, err) if testVerbose { t.Logf(" ....... GOLDEN: (%T) %#v", v0, v0) t.Logf(" ....... DECODED: (%T) %#v", v1, v1) } t.FailNow() } if equal != nil && !*equal { t.Logf("[%v] values not equal", i) if testVerbose { t.Logf(" ....... GOLDEN: (%T) %#v", v0, v0) t.Logf(" ....... DECODED: (%T) %#v", v1, v1) } t.FailNow() } // fmt.Printf("%v testCborError passed (checks passed)\n", i) } func TestCborHalfFloat(t *testing.T) { m := map[uint16]float64{ // using examples from // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-precision_floating-point_format 0x3c00: 1, 0x3c01: 1 + math.Pow(2, -10), 0xc000: -2, 0x7bff: 65504, 0x0400: math.Pow(2, -14), 0x03ff: math.Pow(2, -14) - math.Pow(2, -24), 0x0001: math.Pow(2, -24), 0x0000: 0, 0x8000: -0.0, } var ba [3]byte ba[0] = cborBdFloat16 var res float64 for k, v := range m { res = 0 bigen.PutUint16(ba[1:], k) testUnmarshalErr(&res, ba[:3], testCborH, t, "-") if res == v { if testVerbose { t.Logf("equal floats: from %x %b, %v", k, k, v) } } else { t.Logf("unequal floats: from %x %b, %v != %v", k, k, res, v) t.FailNow() } } } func TestCborSkipTags(t *testing.T) { type Tcbortags struct { A string M map[string]interface{} // A []interface{} } var b8 [8]byte var w bytesEncAppender w.b = []byte{} // To make it easier, // - use tags between math.MaxUint8 and math.MaxUint16 (incl SelfDesc) // - use 1 char strings for key names // - use 3-6 char strings for map keys // - use integers that fit in 2 bytes (between 0x20 and 0xff) var tags = [...]uint64{math.MaxUint8 * 2, math.MaxUint8 * 8, 55799, math.MaxUint16 / 2} var tagIdx int var doAddTag bool addTagFn8To16 := func() { if !doAddTag { return } // writes a tag between MaxUint8 and MaxUint16 (culled from cborEncDriver.encUint) w.writen1(cborBaseTag + 0x19) // bigenHelper.writeUint16 bigen.PutUint16(b8[:2], uint16(tags[tagIdx%len(tags)])) w.writeb(b8[:2]) tagIdx++ } var v Tcbortags v.A = "cbor" v.M = make(map[string]interface{}) v.M["111"] = uint64(111) v.M["111.11"] = 111.11 v.M["true"] = true // v.A = append(v.A, 222, 22.22, "true") // make stream manually (interspacing tags around it) // WriteMapStart - e.encLen(cborBaseMap, length) - encUint(length, bd) // EncodeStringEnc - e.encStringBytesS(cborBaseString, v) fnEncode := func() { w.b = w.b[:0] addTagFn8To16() // write v (Tcbortags, with 3 fields = map with 3 entries) w.writen1(2 + cborBaseMap) // 3 fields = 3 entries // write v.A var s = "A" w.writen1(byte(len(s)) + cborBaseString) w.writestr(s) w.writen1(byte(len(v.A)) + cborBaseString) w.writestr(v.A) //w.writen1(0) addTagFn8To16() s = "M" w.writen1(byte(len(s)) + cborBaseString) w.writestr(s) addTagFn8To16() w.writen1(byte(len(v.M)) + cborBaseMap) addTagFn8To16() s = "111" w.writen1(byte(len(s)) + cborBaseString) w.writestr(s) w.writen2(cborBaseUint+0x18, uint8(111)) addTagFn8To16() s = "111.11" w.writen1(byte(len(s)) + cborBaseString) w.writestr(s) w.writen1(cborBdFloat64) bigen.PutUint64(b8[:8], math.Float64bits(111.11)) w.writeb(b8[:8]) addTagFn8To16() s = "true" w.writen1(byte(len(s)) + cborBaseString) w.writestr(s) w.writen1(cborBdTrue) } var h CborHandle h.SkipUnexpectedTags = true h.Canonical = true var gold []byte NewEncoderBytes(&gold, &h).MustEncode(v) // xdebug2f("encoded: gold: %v", gold) // w.b is the encoded bytes var v2 Tcbortags doAddTag = false fnEncode() // xdebug2f("manual: no-tags: %v", w.b) testDeepEqualErr(gold, w.b, t, "cbor-skip-tags--bytes---") NewDecoderBytes(w.b, &h).MustDecode(&v2) testDeepEqualErr(v, v2, t, "cbor-skip-tags--no-tags-") var v3 Tcbortags doAddTag = true fnEncode() // xdebug2f("manual: has-tags: %v", w.b) NewDecoderBytes(w.b, &h).MustDecode(&v3) testDeepEqualErr(v, v2, t, "cbor-skip-tags--has-tags") // Github 300 - tests naked path { expected := []interface{}{"x", uint64(0x0)} toDecode := []byte{0x82, 0x61, 0x78, 0x00} var raw interface{} NewDecoderBytes(toDecode, &h).MustDecode(&raw) testDeepEqualErr(expected, raw, t, "cbor-skip-tags--gh-300---no-skips") toDecode = []byte{0xd9, 0xd9, 0xf7, 0x82, 0x61, 0x78, 0x00} raw = nil NewDecoderBytes(toDecode, &h).MustDecode(&raw) testDeepEqualErr(expected, raw, t, "cbor-skip-tags--gh-300--has-skips") } }