package mocks import ( "sync" "sync/atomic" "" ) // Consumer implements sarama's Consumer interface for testing purposes. // Before you can start consuming from this consumer, you have to register // topic/partitions using ExpectConsumePartition, and set expectations on them. type Consumer struct { l sync.Mutex t ErrorReporter config *sarama.Config partitionConsumers map[string]map[int32]*PartitionConsumer metadata map[string][]int32 } // NewConsumer returns a new mock Consumer instance. The t argument should // be the *testing.T instance of your test method. An error will be written to it if // an expectation is violated. The config argument can be set to nil. func NewConsumer(t ErrorReporter, config *sarama.Config) *Consumer { if config == nil { config = sarama.NewConfig() } c := &Consumer{ t: t, config: config, partitionConsumers: make(map[string]map[int32]*PartitionConsumer), } return c } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Consumer interface implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ConsumePartition implements the ConsumePartition method from the sarama.Consumer interface. // Before you can start consuming a partition, you have to set expectations on it using // ExpectConsumePartition. You can only consume a partition once per consumer. func (c *Consumer) ConsumePartition(topic string, partition int32, offset int64) (sarama.PartitionConsumer, error) { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() if c.partitionConsumers[topic] == nil || c.partitionConsumers[topic][partition] == nil { c.t.Errorf("No expectations set for %s/%d", topic, partition) return nil, errOutOfExpectations } pc := c.partitionConsumers[topic][partition] if pc.consumed { return nil, sarama.ConfigurationError("The topic/partition is already being consumed") } if pc.offset != AnyOffset && pc.offset != offset { c.t.Errorf("Unexpected offset when calling ConsumePartition for %s/%d. Expected %d, got %d.", topic, partition, pc.offset, offset) } pc.consumed = true return pc, nil } // Topics returns a list of topics, as registered with SetTopicMetadata func (c *Consumer) Topics() ([]string, error) { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() if c.metadata == nil { c.t.Errorf("Unexpected call to Topics. Initialize the mock's topic metadata with SetTopicMetadata.") return nil, sarama.ErrOutOfBrokers } var result []string for topic := range c.metadata { result = append(result, topic) } return result, nil } // Partitions returns the list of parititons for the given topic, as registered with SetTopicMetadata func (c *Consumer) Partitions(topic string) ([]int32, error) { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() if c.metadata == nil { c.t.Errorf("Unexpected call to Partitions. Initialize the mock's topic metadata with SetTopicMetadata.") return nil, sarama.ErrOutOfBrokers } if c.metadata[topic] == nil { return nil, sarama.ErrUnknownTopicOrPartition } return c.metadata[topic], nil } func (c *Consumer) HighWaterMarks() map[string]map[int32]int64 { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() hwms := make(map[string]map[int32]int64, len(c.partitionConsumers)) for topic, partitionConsumers := range c.partitionConsumers { hwm := make(map[int32]int64, len(partitionConsumers)) for partition, pc := range partitionConsumers { hwm[partition] = pc.HighWaterMarkOffset() } hwms[topic] = hwm } return hwms } // Close implements the Close method from the sarama.Consumer interface. It will close // all registered PartitionConsumer instances. func (c *Consumer) Close() error { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() for _, partitions := range c.partitionConsumers { for _, partitionConsumer := range partitions { _ = partitionConsumer.Close() } } return nil } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Expectation API /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetTopicMetadata sets the clusters topic/partition metadata, // which will be returned by Topics() and Partitions(). func (c *Consumer) SetTopicMetadata(metadata map[string][]int32) { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() c.metadata = metadata } // ExpectConsumePartition will register a topic/partition, so you can set expectations on it. // The registered PartitionConsumer will be returned, so you can set expectations // on it using method chaining. Once a topic/partition is registered, you are // expected to start consuming it using ConsumePartition. If that doesn't happen, // an error will be written to the error reporter once the mock consumer is closed. It will // also expect that the func (c *Consumer) ExpectConsumePartition(topic string, partition int32, offset int64) *PartitionConsumer { c.l.Lock() defer c.l.Unlock() if c.partitionConsumers[topic] == nil { c.partitionConsumers[topic] = make(map[int32]*PartitionConsumer) } if c.partitionConsumers[topic][partition] == nil { c.partitionConsumers[topic][partition] = &PartitionConsumer{ t: c.t, topic: topic, partition: partition, offset: offset, messages: make(chan *sarama.ConsumerMessage, c.config.ChannelBufferSize), errors: make(chan *sarama.ConsumerError, c.config.ChannelBufferSize), } } return c.partitionConsumers[topic][partition] } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PartitionConsumer mock type /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PartitionConsumer implements sarama's PartitionConsumer interface for testing purposes. // It is returned by the mock Consumers ConsumePartitionMethod, but only if it is // registered first using the Consumer's ExpectConsumePartition method. Before consuming the // Errors and Messages channel, you should specify what values will be provided on these // channels using YieldMessage and YieldError. type PartitionConsumer struct { highWaterMarkOffset int64 // must be at the top of the struct because l sync.Mutex t ErrorReporter topic string partition int32 offset int64 messages chan *sarama.ConsumerMessage errors chan *sarama.ConsumerError singleClose sync.Once consumed bool errorsShouldBeDrained bool messagesShouldBeDrained bool } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PartitionConsumer interface implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AsyncClose implements the AsyncClose method from the sarama.PartitionConsumer interface. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) AsyncClose() { pc.singleClose.Do(func() { close(pc.messages) close(pc.errors) }) } // Close implements the Close method from the sarama.PartitionConsumer interface. It will // verify whether the partition consumer was actually started. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) Close() error { if !pc.consumed { pc.t.Errorf("Expectations set on %s/%d, but no partition consumer was started.", pc.topic, pc.partition) return errPartitionConsumerNotStarted } if pc.errorsShouldBeDrained && len(pc.errors) > 0 { pc.t.Errorf("Expected the errors channel for %s/%d to be drained on close, but found %d errors.", pc.topic, pc.partition, len(pc.errors)) } if pc.messagesShouldBeDrained && len(pc.messages) > 0 { pc.t.Errorf("Expected the messages channel for %s/%d to be drained on close, but found %d messages.", pc.topic, pc.partition, len(pc.messages)) } pc.AsyncClose() var ( closeErr error wg sync.WaitGroup ) wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() var errs = make(sarama.ConsumerErrors, 0) for err := range pc.errors { errs = append(errs, err) } if len(errs) > 0 { closeErr = errs } }() wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() for range pc.messages { // drain } }() wg.Wait() return closeErr } // Errors implements the Errors method from the sarama.PartitionConsumer interface. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) Errors() <-chan *sarama.ConsumerError { return pc.errors } // Messages implements the Messages method from the sarama.PartitionConsumer interface. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) Messages() <-chan *sarama.ConsumerMessage { return pc.messages } func (pc *PartitionConsumer) HighWaterMarkOffset() int64 { return atomic.LoadInt64(&pc.highWaterMarkOffset) + 1 } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Expectation API /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // YieldMessage will yield a messages Messages channel of this partition consumer // when it is consumed. By default, the mock consumer will not verify whether this // message was consumed from the Messages channel, because there are legitimate // reasons forthis not to happen. ou can call ExpectMessagesDrainedOnClose so it will // verify that the channel is empty on close. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) YieldMessage(msg *sarama.ConsumerMessage) { pc.l.Lock() defer pc.l.Unlock() msg.Topic = pc.topic msg.Partition = pc.partition msg.Offset = atomic.AddInt64(&pc.highWaterMarkOffset, 1) pc.messages <- msg } // YieldError will yield an error on the Errors channel of this partition consumer // when it is consumed. By default, the mock consumer will not verify whether this error was // consumed from the Errors channel, because there are legitimate reasons for this // not to happen. You can call ExpectErrorsDrainedOnClose so it will verify that // the channel is empty on close. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) YieldError(err error) { pc.errors <- &sarama.ConsumerError{ Topic: pc.topic, Partition: pc.partition, Err: err, } } // ExpectMessagesDrainedOnClose sets an expectation on the partition consumer // that the messages channel will be fully drained when Close is called. If this // expectation is not met, an error is reported to the error reporter. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) ExpectMessagesDrainedOnClose() { pc.messagesShouldBeDrained = true } // ExpectErrorsDrainedOnClose sets an expectation on the partition consumer // that the errors channel will be fully drained when Close is called. If this // expectation is not met, an error is reported to the error reporter. func (pc *PartitionConsumer) ExpectErrorsDrainedOnClose() { pc.errorsShouldBeDrained = true }