package sarama import ( "errors" "fmt" ) // ErrOutOfBrokers is the error returned when the client has run out of brokers to talk to because all of them errored // or otherwise failed to respond. var ErrOutOfBrokers = errors.New("kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?)") // ErrClosedClient is the error returned when a method is called on a client that has been closed. var ErrClosedClient = errors.New("kafka: tried to use a client that was closed") // ErrIncompleteResponse is the error returned when the server returns a syntactically valid response, but it does // not contain the expected information. var ErrIncompleteResponse = errors.New("kafka: response did not contain all the expected topic/partition blocks") // ErrInvalidPartition is the error returned when a partitioner returns an invalid partition index // (meaning one outside of the range [0...numPartitions-1]). var ErrInvalidPartition = errors.New("kafka: partitioner returned an invalid partition index") // ErrAlreadyConnected is the error returned when calling Open() on a Broker that is already connected or connecting. var ErrAlreadyConnected = errors.New("kafka: broker connection already initiated") // ErrNotConnected is the error returned when trying to send or call Close() on a Broker that is not connected. var ErrNotConnected = errors.New("kafka: broker not connected") // ErrInsufficientData is returned when decoding and the packet is truncated. This can be expected // when requesting messages, since as an optimization the server is allowed to return a partial message at the end // of the message set. var ErrInsufficientData = errors.New("kafka: insufficient data to decode packet, more bytes expected") // ErrShuttingDown is returned when a producer receives a message during shutdown. var ErrShuttingDown = errors.New("kafka: message received by producer in process of shutting down") // ErrMessageTooLarge is returned when the next message to consume is larger than the configured Consumer.Fetch.Max var ErrMessageTooLarge = errors.New("kafka: message is larger than Consumer.Fetch.Max") // ErrConsumerOffsetNotAdvanced is returned when a partition consumer didn't advance its offset after parsing // a RecordBatch. var ErrConsumerOffsetNotAdvanced = errors.New("kafka: consumer offset was not advanced after a RecordBatch") // ErrControllerNotAvailable is returned when server didn't give correct controller id. May be kafka server's version // is lower than var ErrControllerNotAvailable = errors.New("kafka: controller is not available") // ErrNoTopicsToUpdateMetadata is returned when Meta.Full is set to false but no specific topics were found to update // the metadata. var ErrNoTopicsToUpdateMetadata = errors.New("kafka: no specific topics to update metadata") // PacketEncodingError is returned from a failure while encoding a Kafka packet. This can happen, for example, // if you try to encode a string over 2^15 characters in length, since Kafka's encoding rules do not permit that. type PacketEncodingError struct { Info string } func (err PacketEncodingError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("kafka: error encoding packet: %s", err.Info) } // PacketDecodingError is returned when there was an error (other than truncated data) decoding the Kafka broker's response. // This can be a bad CRC or length field, or any other invalid value. type PacketDecodingError struct { Info string } func (err PacketDecodingError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("kafka: error decoding packet: %s", err.Info) } // ConfigurationError is the type of error returned from a constructor (e.g. NewClient, or NewConsumer) // when the specified configuration is invalid. type ConfigurationError string func (err ConfigurationError) Error() string { return "kafka: invalid configuration (" + string(err) + ")" } // KError is the type of error that can be returned directly by the Kafka broker. // See type KError int16 // Numeric error codes returned by the Kafka server. const ( ErrNoError KError = 0 ErrUnknown KError = -1 ErrOffsetOutOfRange KError = 1 ErrInvalidMessage KError = 2 ErrUnknownTopicOrPartition KError = 3 ErrInvalidMessageSize KError = 4 ErrLeaderNotAvailable KError = 5 ErrNotLeaderForPartition KError = 6 ErrRequestTimedOut KError = 7 ErrBrokerNotAvailable KError = 8 ErrReplicaNotAvailable KError = 9 ErrMessageSizeTooLarge KError = 10 ErrStaleControllerEpochCode KError = 11 ErrOffsetMetadataTooLarge KError = 12 ErrNetworkException KError = 13 ErrOffsetsLoadInProgress KError = 14 ErrConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailable KError = 15 ErrNotCoordinatorForConsumer KError = 16 ErrInvalidTopic KError = 17 ErrMessageSetSizeTooLarge KError = 18 ErrNotEnoughReplicas KError = 19 ErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend KError = 20 ErrInvalidRequiredAcks KError = 21 ErrIllegalGeneration KError = 22 ErrInconsistentGroupProtocol KError = 23 ErrInvalidGroupId KError = 24 ErrUnknownMemberId KError = 25 ErrInvalidSessionTimeout KError = 26 ErrRebalanceInProgress KError = 27 ErrInvalidCommitOffsetSize KError = 28 ErrTopicAuthorizationFailed KError = 29 ErrGroupAuthorizationFailed KError = 30 ErrClusterAuthorizationFailed KError = 31 ErrInvalidTimestamp KError = 32 ErrUnsupportedSASLMechanism KError = 33 ErrIllegalSASLState KError = 34 ErrUnsupportedVersion KError = 35 ErrTopicAlreadyExists KError = 36 ErrInvalidPartitions KError = 37 ErrInvalidReplicationFactor KError = 38 ErrInvalidReplicaAssignment KError = 39 ErrInvalidConfig KError = 40 ErrNotController KError = 41 ErrInvalidRequest KError = 42 ErrUnsupportedForMessageFormat KError = 43 ErrPolicyViolation KError = 44 ErrOutOfOrderSequenceNumber KError = 45 ErrDuplicateSequenceNumber KError = 46 ErrInvalidProducerEpoch KError = 47 ErrInvalidTxnState KError = 48 ErrInvalidProducerIDMapping KError = 49 ErrInvalidTransactionTimeout KError = 50 ErrConcurrentTransactions KError = 51 ErrTransactionCoordinatorFenced KError = 52 ErrTransactionalIDAuthorizationFailed KError = 53 ErrSecurityDisabled KError = 54 ErrOperationNotAttempted KError = 55 ErrKafkaStorageError KError = 56 ErrLogDirNotFound KError = 57 ErrSASLAuthenticationFailed KError = 58 ErrUnknownProducerID KError = 59 ErrReassignmentInProgress KError = 60 ) func (err KError) Error() string { // Error messages stolen/adapted from // switch err { case ErrNoError: return "kafka server: Not an error, why are you printing me?" case ErrUnknown: return "kafka server: Unexpected (unknown?) server error." case ErrOffsetOutOfRange: return "kafka server: The requested offset is outside the range of offsets maintained by the server for the given topic/partition." case ErrInvalidMessage: return "kafka server: Message contents does not match its CRC." case ErrUnknownTopicOrPartition: return "kafka server: Request was for a topic or partition that does not exist on this broker." case ErrInvalidMessageSize: return "kafka server: The message has a negative size." case ErrLeaderNotAvailable: return "kafka server: In the middle of a leadership election, there is currently no leader for this partition and hence it is unavailable for writes." case ErrNotLeaderForPartition: return "kafka server: Tried to send a message to a replica that is not the leader for some partition. Your metadata is out of date." case ErrRequestTimedOut: return "kafka server: Request exceeded the user-specified time limit in the request." case ErrBrokerNotAvailable: return "kafka server: Broker not available. Not a client facing error, we should never receive this!!!" case ErrReplicaNotAvailable: return "kafka server: Replica information not available, one or more brokers are down." case ErrMessageSizeTooLarge: return "kafka server: Message was too large, server rejected it to avoid allocation error." case ErrStaleControllerEpochCode: return "kafka server: StaleControllerEpochCode (internal error code for broker-to-broker communication)." case ErrOffsetMetadataTooLarge: return "kafka server: Specified a string larger than the configured maximum for offset metadata." case ErrNetworkException: return "kafka server: The server disconnected before a response was received." case ErrOffsetsLoadInProgress: return "kafka server: The broker is still loading offsets after a leader change for that offset's topic partition." case ErrConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailable: return "kafka server: Offset's topic has not yet been created." case ErrNotCoordinatorForConsumer: return "kafka server: Request was for a consumer group that is not coordinated by this broker." case ErrInvalidTopic: return "kafka server: The request attempted to perform an operation on an invalid topic." case ErrMessageSetSizeTooLarge: return "kafka server: The request included message batch larger than the configured segment size on the server." case ErrNotEnoughReplicas: return "kafka server: Messages are rejected since there are fewer in-sync replicas than required." case ErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend: return "kafka server: Messages are written to the log, but to fewer in-sync replicas than required." case ErrInvalidRequiredAcks: return "kafka server: The number of required acks is invalid (should be either -1, 0, or 1)." case ErrIllegalGeneration: return "kafka server: The provided generation id is not the current generation." case ErrInconsistentGroupProtocol: return "kafka server: The provider group protocol type is incompatible with the other members." case ErrInvalidGroupId: return "kafka server: The provided group id was empty." case ErrUnknownMemberId: return "kafka server: The provided member is not known in the current generation." case ErrInvalidSessionTimeout: return "kafka server: The provided session timeout is outside the allowed range." case ErrRebalanceInProgress: return "kafka server: A rebalance for the group is in progress. Please re-join the group." case ErrInvalidCommitOffsetSize: return "kafka server: The provided commit metadata was too large." case ErrTopicAuthorizationFailed: return "kafka server: The client is not authorized to access this topic." case ErrGroupAuthorizationFailed: return "kafka server: The client is not authorized to access this group." case ErrClusterAuthorizationFailed: return "kafka server: The client is not authorized to send this request type." case ErrInvalidTimestamp: return "kafka server: The timestamp of the message is out of acceptable range." case ErrUnsupportedSASLMechanism: return "kafka server: The broker does not support the requested SASL mechanism." case ErrIllegalSASLState: return "kafka server: Request is not valid given the current SASL state." case ErrUnsupportedVersion: return "kafka server: The version of API is not supported." case ErrTopicAlreadyExists: return "kafka server: Topic with this name already exists." case ErrInvalidPartitions: return "kafka server: Number of partitions is invalid." case ErrInvalidReplicationFactor: return "kafka server: Replication-factor is invalid." case ErrInvalidReplicaAssignment: return "kafka server: Replica assignment is invalid." case ErrInvalidConfig: return "kafka server: Configuration is invalid." case ErrNotController: return "kafka server: This is not the correct controller for this cluster." case ErrInvalidRequest: return "kafka server: This most likely occurs because of a request being malformed by the client library or the message was sent to an incompatible broker. See the broker logs for more details." case ErrUnsupportedForMessageFormat: return "kafka server: The requested operation is not supported by the message format version." case ErrPolicyViolation: return "kafka server: Request parameters do not satisfy the configured policy." case ErrOutOfOrderSequenceNumber: return "kafka server: The broker received an out of order sequence number." case ErrDuplicateSequenceNumber: return "kafka server: The broker received a duplicate sequence number." case ErrInvalidProducerEpoch: return "kafka server: Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch." case ErrInvalidTxnState: return "kafka server: The producer attempted a transactional operation in an invalid state." case ErrInvalidProducerIDMapping: return "kafka server: The producer attempted to use a producer id which is not currently assigned to its transactional id." case ErrInvalidTransactionTimeout: return "kafka server: The transaction timeout is larger than the maximum value allowed by the broker (as configured by" case ErrConcurrentTransactions: return "kafka server: The producer attempted to update a transaction while another concurrent operation on the same transaction was ongoing." case ErrTransactionCoordinatorFenced: return "kafka server: The transaction coordinator sending a WriteTxnMarker is no longer the current coordinator for a given producer." case ErrTransactionalIDAuthorizationFailed: return "kafka server: Transactional ID authorization failed." case ErrSecurityDisabled: return "kafka server: Security features are disabled." case ErrOperationNotAttempted: return "kafka server: The broker did not attempt to execute this operation." case ErrKafkaStorageError: return "kafka server: Disk error when trying to access log file on the disk." case ErrLogDirNotFound: return "kafka server: The specified log directory is not found in the broker config." case ErrSASLAuthenticationFailed: return "kafka server: SASL Authentication failed." case ErrUnknownProducerID: return "kafka server: The broker could not locate the producer metadata associated with the Producer ID." case ErrReassignmentInProgress: return "kafka server: A partition reassignment is in progress." } return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown error, how did this happen? Error code = %d", err) }