# kafka-console-consumer A simple command line tool to consume partitions of a topic and print the messages on the standard output. ### Installation go get github.com/Shopify/sarama/tools/kafka-console-consumer ### Usage # Minimum invocation kafka-console-consumer -topic=test -brokers=kafka1:9092 # It will pick up a KAFKA_PEERS environment variable export KAFKA_PEERS=kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092 kafka-console-consumer -topic=test # You can specify the offset you want to start at. It can be either # `oldest`, `newest`. The default is `newest`. kafka-console-consumer -topic=test -offset=oldest kafka-console-consumer -topic=test -offset=newest # You can specify the partition(s) you want to consume as a comma-separated # list. The default is `all`. kafka-console-consumer -topic=test -partitions=1,2,3 # Display all command line options kafka-console-consumer -help