@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/Shopify/sarama"
+ metrics "github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics"
+var (
+ messageLoad = flag.Int(
+ "message-load",
+ 0,
+ "REQUIRED: The number of messages to produce to -topic.",
+ )
+ messageSize = flag.Int(
+ "message-size",
+ 0,
+ "REQUIRED: The approximate size (in bytes) of each message to produce to -topic.",
+ )
+ brokers = flag.String(
+ "brokers",
+ "",
+ "REQUIRED: A comma separated list of broker addresses.",
+ )
+ topic = flag.String(
+ "topic",
+ "",
+ "REQUIRED: The topic to run the performance test on.",
+ )
+ partition = flag.Int(
+ "partition",
+ -1,
+ "The partition of -topic to run the performance test on.",
+ )
+ throughput = flag.Int(
+ "throughput",
+ 0,
+ "The maximum number of messages to send per second (0 for no limit).",
+ )
+ maxMessageBytes = flag.Int(
+ "max-message-bytes",
+ 1000000,
+ "The max permitted size of a message.",
+ )
+ requiredAcks = flag.Int(
+ "required-acks",
+ 1,
+ "The required number of acks needed from the broker (-1: all, 0: none, 1: local).",
+ )
+ timeout = flag.Duration(
+ "timeout",
+ 10*time.Second,
+ "The duration the producer will wait to receive -required-acks.",
+ )
+ partitioner = flag.String(
+ "partitioner",
+ "roundrobin",
+ "The partitioning scheme to use (hash, manual, random, roundrobin).",
+ )
+ compression = flag.String(
+ "compression",
+ "none",
+ "The compression method to use (none, gzip, snappy, lz4).",
+ )
+ flushFrequency = flag.Duration(
+ "flush-frequency",
+ 0,
+ "The best-effort frequency of flushes.",
+ )
+ flushBytes = flag.Int(
+ "flush-bytes",
+ 0,
+ "The best-effort number of bytes needed to trigger a flush.",
+ )
+ flushMessages = flag.Int(
+ "flush-messages",
+ 0,
+ "The best-effort number of messages needed to trigger a flush.",
+ )
+ flushMaxMessages = flag.Int(
+ "flush-max-messages",
+ 0,
+ "The maximum number of messages the producer will send in a single request.",
+ )
+ retryMax = flag.Int(
+ "retry-max",
+ 3,
+ "The total number of times to retry sending a message.",
+ )
+ retryBackoff = flag.Duration(
+ "retry-backoff",
+ 100*time.Millisecond,
+ "The duration the producer will wait for the cluster to settle between retries.",
+ )
+ clientID = flag.String(
+ "client-id",
+ "sarama",
+ "The client ID sent with every request to the brokers.",
+ )
+ channelBufferSize = flag.Int(
+ "channel-buffer-size",
+ 256,
+ "The number of events to buffer in internal and external channels.",
+ )
+ version = flag.String(
+ "version",
+ "",
+ "The assumed version of Kafka.",
+ )
+func parseCompression(scheme string) sarama.CompressionCodec {
+ switch scheme {
+ case "none":
+ return sarama.CompressionNone
+ case "gzip":
+ return sarama.CompressionGZIP
+ case "snappy":
+ return sarama.CompressionSnappy
+ case "lz4":
+ return sarama.CompressionLZ4
+ default:
+ printUsageErrorAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown -compression: %s", scheme))
+ }
+ panic("should not happen")
+func parsePartitioner(scheme string, partition int) sarama.PartitionerConstructor {
+ if partition < 0 && scheme == "manual" {
+ printUsageErrorAndExit("-partition must not be -1 for -partitioning=manual")
+ }
+ switch scheme {
+ case "manual":
+ return sarama.NewManualPartitioner
+ case "hash":
+ return sarama.NewHashPartitioner
+ case "random":
+ return sarama.NewRandomPartitioner
+ case "roundrobin":
+ return sarama.NewRoundRobinPartitioner
+ default:
+ printUsageErrorAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown -partitioning: %s", scheme))
+ }
+ panic("should not happen")
+func parseVersion(version string) sarama.KafkaVersion {
+ result, err := sarama.ParseKafkaVersion(version)
+ if err != nil {
+ printUsageErrorAndExit(fmt.Sprintf("unknown -version: %s", version))
+ }
+ return result
+func main() {
+ flag.Parse()
+ if *brokers == "" {
+ printUsageErrorAndExit("-brokers is required")
+ }
+ if *topic == "" {
+ printUsageErrorAndExit("-topic is required")
+ }
+ if *messageLoad <= 0 {
+ printUsageErrorAndExit("-message-load must be greater than 0")
+ }
+ if *messageSize <= 0 {
+ printUsageErrorAndExit("-message-size must be greater than 0")
+ }
+ config := sarama.NewConfig()
+ config.Producer.MaxMessageBytes = *maxMessageBytes
+ config.Producer.RequiredAcks = sarama.RequiredAcks(*requiredAcks)
+ config.Producer.Timeout = *timeout
+ config.Producer.Partitioner = parsePartitioner(*partitioner, *partition)
+ config.Producer.Compression = parseCompression(*compression)
+ config.Producer.Flush.Frequency = *flushFrequency
+ config.Producer.Flush.Bytes = *flushBytes
+ config.Producer.Flush.Messages = *flushMessages
+ config.Producer.Flush.MaxMessages = *flushMaxMessages
+ config.Producer.Return.Successes = true
+ config.ClientID = *clientID
+ config.ChannelBufferSize = *channelBufferSize
+ config.Version = parseVersion(*version)
+ if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
+ printErrorAndExit(69, "Invalid configuration: %s", err)
+ }
+ producer, err := sarama.NewAsyncProducer(strings.Split(*brokers, ","), config)
+ if err != nil {
+ printErrorAndExit(69, "Failed to create producer: %s", err)
+ }
+ defer producer.Close()
+ messages := make([]*sarama.ProducerMessage, *messageLoad)
+ for i := 0; i < *messageLoad; i++ {
+ payload := make([]byte, *messageSize)
+ if _, err = rand.Read(payload); err != nil {
+ printErrorAndExit(69, "Failed to generate message payload: %s", err)
+ }
+ messages[i] = &sarama.ProducerMessage{
+ Topic: *topic,
+ Value: sarama.ByteEncoder(payload),
+ }
+ }
+ done := make(chan struct{})
+ go func() {
+ for i := 0; i < *messageLoad; i++ {
+ select {
+ case <-producer.Successes():
+ case err = <-producer.Errors():
+ printErrorAndExit(69, "%s", err)
+ }
+ }
+ done <- struct{}{}
+ }()
+ if *throughput > 0 {
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+ for _, message := range messages {
+ for i := 0; i < *throughput; i++ {
+ producer.Input() <- message
+ }
+ <-ticker.C
+ }
+ ticker.Stop()
+ } else {
+ for _, message := range messages {
+ producer.Input() <- message
+ }
+ }
+ <-done
+ close(done)
+ metrics.WriteOnce(config.MetricRegistry, os.Stdout)
+func printUsageErrorAndExit(message string) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR:", message)
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr)
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Available command line options:")
+ flag.PrintDefaults()
+ os.Exit(64)
+func printErrorAndExit(code int, format string, values ...interface{}) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", fmt.Sprintf(format, values...))
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr)
+ os.Exit(code)