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- // Generated from /home/leodido/workspaces/go/src/github.com/leodido/go-urn/grammar/Urn.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.
- package grammar // Urn
- import "github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr"
- // UrnListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by UrnParser.
- type UrnListener interface {
- antlr.ParseTreeListener
- // EnterUrn is called when entering the urn production.
- EnterUrn(c *UrnContext)
- // EnterID is called when entering the iD production.
- EnterID(c *IDContext)
- // EnterSS is called when entering the sS production.
- EnterSS(c *SSContext)
- // ExitUrn is called when exiting the urn production.
- ExitUrn(c *UrnContext)
- // ExitID is called when exiting the iD production.
- ExitID(c *IDContext)
- // ExitSS is called when exiting the sS production.
- ExitSS(c *SSContext)
- }