urn_listener.go 787 B

  1. // Generated from /home/leodido/workspaces/go/src/github.com/leodido/go-urn/grammar/Urn.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.
  2. package grammar // Urn
  3. import "github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr"
  4. // UrnListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by UrnParser.
  5. type UrnListener interface {
  6. antlr.ParseTreeListener
  7. // EnterUrn is called when entering the urn production.
  8. EnterUrn(c *UrnContext)
  9. // EnterID is called when entering the iD production.
  10. EnterID(c *IDContext)
  11. // EnterSS is called when entering the sS production.
  12. EnterSS(c *SSContext)
  13. // ExitUrn is called when exiting the urn production.
  14. ExitUrn(c *UrnContext)
  15. // ExitID is called when exiting the iD production.
  16. ExitID(c *IDContext)
  17. // ExitSS is called when exiting the sS production.
  18. ExitSS(c *SSContext)
  19. }