package wechat import ( "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" "strings" "sync" "" ) type Client struct { AppId string MchId string ApiKey string BaseURL string IsProd bool certificate tls.Certificate certPool *x509.CertPool mu sync.RWMutex } // 初始化微信客户端 // appId:应用ID // mchId:商户ID // ApiKey:API秘钥值 // IsProd:是否是正式环境 func NewClient(appId, mchId, apiKey string, isProd bool) (client *Client) { return &Client{ AppId: appId, MchId: mchId, ApiKey: apiKey, IsProd: isProd} } // 提交付款码支付 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) Micropay(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *MicropayResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "body", "out_trade_no", "total_fee", "spbill_create_ip", "auth_code") if err != nil { return nil, err } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, microPay, nil) } else { bm.Set("total_fee", 1) bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxMicroPay) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(MicropayResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 授权码查询openid(正式) // 文档地址: func (w *Client) AuthCodeToOpenId(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *AuthCodeToOpenIdResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "auth_code") if err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err := w.doProdPost(bm, authCodeToOpenid, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(AuthCodeToOpenIdResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 统一下单 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) UnifiedOrder(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *UnifiedOrderResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "body", "out_trade_no", "total_fee", "spbill_create_ip", "notify_url", "trade_type") if err != nil { return nil, err } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, unifiedOrder, nil) } else { bm.Set("total_fee", 101) bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxUnifiedOrder) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(UnifiedOrderResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 查询订单 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) QueryOrder(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *QueryOrderResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str") if err != nil { return nil, err } if bm.Get("out_trade_no") == gopay.NULL && bm.Get("transaction_id") == gopay.NULL { return nil, errors.New("out_trade_no and transaction_id are not allowed to be null at the same time") } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, orderQuery, nil) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxOrderQuery) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(QueryOrderResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 关闭订单 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) CloseOrder(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *CloseOrderResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "out_trade_no") if err != nil { return nil, err } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, closeOrder, nil) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxCloseOrder) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(CloseOrderResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 撤销订单 // 注意:如已使用client.AddCertFilePath()添加过证书,参数certFilePath、keyFilePath、pkcs12FilePath全传空字符串 "",否则,3证书Path均不可空 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) Reverse(bm gopay.BodyMap, certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath interface{}) (wxRsp *ReverseResponse, err error) { if err = checkCertFilePath(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return nil, err } err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "out_trade_no") if err != nil { return nil, err } var ( bs []byte tlsConfig *tls.Config ) if w.IsProd { if tlsConfig, err = w.addCertConfig(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, reverse, tlsConfig) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxReverse) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(ReverseResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 申请退款 // 注意:如已使用client.AddCertFilePath()添加过证书,参数certFilePath、keyFilePath、pkcs12FilePath全传空字符串 "",否则,3证书Path均不可空 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) Refund(bm gopay.BodyMap, certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath interface{}) (wxRsp *RefundResponse, err error) { if err = checkCertFilePath(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return nil, err } err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "out_refund_no", "total_fee", "refund_fee") if err != nil { return nil, err } if bm.Get("out_trade_no") == gopay.NULL && bm.Get("transaction_id") == gopay.NULL { return nil, errors.New("out_trade_no and transaction_id are not allowed to be null at the same time") } var ( bs []byte tlsConfig *tls.Config ) if w.IsProd { if tlsConfig, err = w.addCertConfig(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, refund, tlsConfig) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxRefund) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(RefundResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 查询退款 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) QueryRefund(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *QueryRefundResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str") if err != nil { return nil, err } if bm.Get("refund_id") == gopay.NULL && bm.Get("out_refund_no") == gopay.NULL && bm.Get("transaction_id") == gopay.NULL && bm.Get("out_trade_no") == gopay.NULL { return nil, errors.New("refund_id, out_refund_no, out_trade_no, transaction_id are not allowed to be null at the same time") } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, refundQuery, nil) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxRefundQuery) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(QueryRefundResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 下载对账单 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) DownloadBill(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp string, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "bill_date", "bill_type") if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } billType := bm.Get("bill_type") if billType != "ALL" && billType != "SUCCESS" && billType != "REFUND" && billType != "RECHARGE_REFUND" { return gopay.NULL, errors.New("bill_type error, please reference:") } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, downloadBill, nil) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxDownloadBill) } if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } return string(bs), nil } // 下载资金账单(正式) // 注意:如已使用client.AddCertFilePath()添加过证书,参数certFilePath、keyFilePath、pkcs12FilePath全传空字符串 "",否则,3证书Path均不可空 // 貌似不支持沙箱环境,因为沙箱环境默认需要用MD5签名,但是此接口仅支持HMAC-SHA256签名 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) DownloadFundFlow(bm gopay.BodyMap, certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath interface{}) (wxRsp string, err error) { if err = checkCertFilePath(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "bill_date", "account_type") if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } accountType := bm.Get("account_type") if accountType != "Basic" && accountType != "Operation" && accountType != "Fees" { return gopay.NULL, errors.New("account_type error, please reference:") } bm.Set("sign_type", SignType_HMAC_SHA256) tlsConfig, err := w.addCertConfig(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath) if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } bs, err := w.doProdPost(bm, downloadFundFlow, tlsConfig) if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } wxRsp = string(bs) return } // 交易保障 // 文档地址:(JSAPI) // 文档地址:(付款码) // 文档地址:(Native) // 文档地址:(APP) // 文档地址:(H5) // 文档地址:(微信小程序) func (w *Client) Report(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *ReportResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "interface_url", "execute_time", "return_code", "return_msg", "result_code", "user_ip") if err != nil { return nil, err } var bs []byte if w.IsProd { bs, err = w.doProdPost(bm, report, nil) } else { bs, err = w.doSanBoxPost(bm, sandboxReport) } if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(ReportResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 拉取订单评价数据(正式) // 注意:如已使用client.AddCertFilePath()添加过证书,参数certFilePath、keyFilePath、pkcs12FilePath全传空字符串 "",否则,3证书Path均不可空 // 貌似不支持沙箱环境,因为沙箱环境默认需要用MD5签名,但是此接口仅支持HMAC-SHA256签名 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) BatchQueryComment(bm gopay.BodyMap, certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath interface{}) (wxRsp string, err error) { if err = checkCertFilePath(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "begin_time", "end_time", "offset") if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } bm.Set("sign_type", SignType_HMAC_SHA256) tlsConfig, err := w.addCertConfig(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath) if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } bs, err := w.doProdPost(bm, batchQueryComment, tlsConfig) if err != nil { return gopay.NULL, err } return string(bs), nil } // 企业向微信用户个人付款(正式) // 注意:如已使用client.AddCertFilePath()添加过证书,参数certFilePath、keyFilePath、pkcs12FilePath全传 nil,否则3证书Path均不可为nil(string类型) // 注意:此方法未支持沙箱环境,默认正式环境,转账请慎重 // 文档地址: func (w *Client) Transfer(bm gopay.BodyMap, certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath interface{}) (wxRsp *TransfersResponse, err error) { if err = checkCertFilePath(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return nil, err } if err = bm.CheckEmptyError("nonce_str", "partner_trade_no", "openid", "check_name", "amount", "desc", "spbill_create_ip"); err != nil { return nil, err } bm.Set("mch_appid", w.AppId) bm.Set("mchid", w.MchId) var ( tlsConfig *tls.Config url = baseUrlCh + transfers ) if tlsConfig, err = w.addCertConfig(certFilePath, keyFilePath, pkcs12FilePath); err != nil { return nil, err } bm.Set("sign", getReleaseSign(w.ApiKey, SignType_MD5, bm)) httpClient := gopay.NewHttpClient().SetTLSConfig(tlsConfig).Type(gopay.TypeXML) if w.BaseURL != gopay.NULL { url = w.BaseURL + transfers } wxRsp = new(TransfersResponse) res, errs := httpClient.Post(url).SendString(generateXml(bm)).EndStruct(wxRsp) if len(errs) > 0 { return nil, errs[0] } if res.StatusCode != 200 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode) } return wxRsp, nil } // 公众号纯签约(正式) // 文档地址: func (w *Client) EntrustPublic(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *EntrustPublicResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("plan_id", "contract_code", "request_serial", "contract_display_account", "notify_url", "version", "timestamp") if err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err := w.doProdGet(bm, entrustPublic, SignType_MD5) if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(EntrustPublicResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // APP纯签约-预签约接口-获取预签约ID(正式) // 文档地址: func (w *Client) EntrustAppPre(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *EntrustAppPreResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("plan_id", "contract_code", "request_serial", "contract_display_account", "notify_url", "version", "timestamp") if err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err := w.doProdPost(bm, entrustApp, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(EntrustAppPreResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // H5纯签约(正式) // 文档地址: func (w *Client) EntrustH5(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *EntrustH5Response, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("plan_id", "contract_code", "request_serial", "contract_display_account", "notify_url", "version", "timestamp", "clientip") if err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err := w.doProdGet(bm, entrustH5, SignType_HMAC_SHA256) if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(EntrustH5Response) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // 支付中签约(正式) // 文档地址: func (w *Client) EntrustPaying(bm gopay.BodyMap) (wxRsp *EntrustPayingResponse, err error) { err = bm.CheckEmptyError("contract_mchid", "contract_appid", "out_trade_no", "nonce_str", "body", "notify_url", "total_fee", "spbill_create_ip", "trade_type", "plan_id", "contract_code", "request_serial", "contract_display_account", "contract_notify_url") if err != nil { return nil, err } bs, err := w.doProdPost(bm, entrustPaying, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } wxRsp = new(EntrustPayingResponse) if err = xml.Unmarshal(bs, wxRsp); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml.Unmarshal(%s):%w", string(bs), err) } return wxRsp, nil } // doSanBoxPost sanbox环境post请求 func (w *Client) doSanBoxPost(bm gopay.BodyMap, path string) (bs []byte, err error) { var url = baseUrlCh + path defer bm.Set("appid", w.AppId) bm.Set("mch_id", w.MchId) if bm.Get("sign") == gopay.NULL { bm.Set("sign_type", SignType_MD5) sign, err := getSignBoxSign(w.MchId, w.ApiKey, bm) if err != nil { return nil, err } bm.Set("sign", sign) } if w.BaseURL != gopay.NULL { url = w.BaseURL + path } res, bs, errs := gopay.NewHttpClient().Type(gopay.TypeXML).Post(url).SendString(generateXml(bm)).EndBytes() if len(errs) > 0 { return nil, errs[0] } if res.StatusCode != 200 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode) } if strings.Contains(string(bs), "HTML") || strings.Contains(string(bs), "html") { return nil, errors.New(string(bs)) } return bs, nil } // Post请求、正式 func (w *Client) doProdPost(bm gopay.BodyMap, path string, tlsConfig *tls.Config) (bs []byte, err error) { var url = baseUrlCh + path defer bm.Set("appid", w.AppId) bm.Set("mch_id", w.MchId) if bm.Get("sign") == gopay.NULL { sign := getReleaseSign(w.ApiKey, bm.Get("sign_type"), bm) bm.Set("sign", sign) } httpClient := gopay.NewHttpClient() if w.IsProd && tlsConfig != nil { httpClient.SetTLSConfig(tlsConfig) } if w.BaseURL != gopay.NULL { url = w.BaseURL + path } res, bs, errs := httpClient.Type(gopay.TypeXML).Post(url).SendString(generateXml(bm)).EndBytes() if len(errs) > 0 { return nil, errs[0] } if res.StatusCode != 200 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode) } if strings.Contains(string(bs), "HTML") || strings.Contains(string(bs), "html") { return nil, errors.New(string(bs)) } return bs, nil } // Get请求、正式 func (w *Client) doProdGet(bm gopay.BodyMap, path, signType string) (bs []byte, err error) { var url = baseUrlCh + path defer bm.Set("appid", w.AppId) bm.Set("mch_id", w.MchId) bm.Remove("sign") sign := getReleaseSign(w.ApiKey, signType, bm) bm.Set("sign", sign) if w.BaseURL != gopay.NULL { url = w.BaseURL + path } param := bm.EncodeGetParams() url = url + "?" + param res, bs, errs := gopay.NewHttpClient().Get(url).EndBytes() if len(errs) > 0 { return nil, errs[0] } if res.StatusCode != 200 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP Request Error, StatusCode = %d", res.StatusCode) } if strings.Contains(string(bs), "HTML") || strings.Contains(string(bs), "html") { return nil, errors.New(string(bs)) } return bs, nil }