release 10.0 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. set -o errexit
  3. set -o nounset
  4. set -o pipefail
  5. help() {
  6. echo "$(basename "$0") [version]"
  7. echo "Release etcd using the same approach as the etcd-release-runbook ("
  8. echo ""
  9. echo "WARNING: This does not perform the 'Add API capabilities', 'Performance testing' "
  10. echo " or 'Documentation' steps. These steps must be performed manually BEFORE running this tool."
  11. echo ""
  12. echo "WARNING: This script does not sign releases, publish releases to github or sent announcement"
  13. echo " emails. These steps must be performed manually AFTER running this tool."
  14. echo ""
  15. echo " args:"
  16. echo " version: version of etcd to release, e.g. '3.2.18'"
  17. echo " flags:"
  18. echo " --no-upload: skip gs://etcd binary artifact uploads."
  19. echo " --no-docker-push: skip docker image pushes."
  20. echo ""
  21. }
  22. main() {
  23. VERSION=$1
  24. if [[ ! "${VERSION}" =~ [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ ]]; then
  25. echo "Expected 'version' param of the form '<major-version>.<minor-version>.<patch-version>' but got '${VERSION}'"
  26. exit 1
  27. fi
  29. MINOR_VERSION=$(echo "${VERSION}" | cut -d. -f 1-2)
  30. BRANCH="release-${MINOR_VERSION}"
  31. if ! command -v docker >/dev/null; then
  32. echo "cannot find docker"
  33. exit 1
  34. fi
  35. KEYID=$(gpg --list-keys --with-colons| awk -F: '/^pub:/ { print $5 }')
  36. if [[ -z "${KEYID}" ]]; then
  37. echo "Failed to load gpg key. Is gpg set up correctly for etcd releases?"
  38. exit 1
  39. fi
  40. # Expected umask for etcd release artifacts
  41. umask 022
  42. # Set up release directory.
  43. local reldir="/tmp/etcd-release-${VERSION}"
  44. if [ ! -d "${reldir}/etcd" ]; then
  45. mkdir -p "${reldir}"
  46. cd "${reldir}"
  47. git clone --branch "${BRANCH}"
  48. fi
  49. cd "${reldir}/etcd"
  50. # If a release version tag already exists, use it.
  51. local remote_tag_exists
  52. remote_tag_exists=$(git ls-remote origin "refs/tags/${RELEASE_VERSION}" | grep -c "${RELEASE_VERSION}")
  53. if [ "${remote_tag_exists}" -gt 0 ]; then
  54. echo "Release version tag exists on remote. Checking out refs/tags/${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  55. git checkout -q "tags/${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  56. fi
  57. # Check go version.
  58. # download "yq" from
  59. local go_version current_go_version
  60. go_version="go$(yq read .travis.yml "go[0]")"
  61. current_go_version=$(go version | awk '{ print $3 }')
  62. if [[ "${current_go_version}" != "${go_version}" ]]; then
  63. echo "Current go version is ${current_go_version}, but etcd ${RELEASE_VERSION} requires ${go_version} (see .travis.yml)."
  64. exit 1
  65. fi
  66. # If the release tag does not already exist remotely, create it.
  67. if [ "${remote_tag_exists}" -eq 0 ]; then
  68. # Bump version/version.go to release version.
  69. local source_version
  70. source_version=$(grep -E "\s+Version\s*=" version/version.go | sed -e "s/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/g")
  71. if [[ "${source_version}" != "${VERSION}" ]]; then
  72. source_minor_version=$(echo "${source_version}" | cut -d. -f 1-2)
  73. if [[ "${source_minor_version}" != "${MINOR_VERSION}" ]]; then
  74. echo "Wrong etcd minor version in version/version.go. Expected ${MINOR_VERSION} but got ${source_minor_version}. Aborting."
  75. exit 1
  76. fi
  77. echo "Updating version from ${source_version} to ${VERSION} in version/version.go"
  78. sed -i "s/${source_version}/${VERSION}/g" version/version.go
  79. fi
  80. echo "Building etcd and checking --version output"
  81. ./build
  82. local etcd_version
  83. etcd_version=$(bin/etcd --version | grep "etcd Version" | awk '{ print $3 }')
  84. if [[ "${etcd_version}" != "${VERSION}" ]]; then
  85. echo "Wrong etcd version in version/version.go. Expected ${etcd_version} but got ${VERSION}. Aborting."
  86. exit 1
  87. fi
  88. if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]; then
  89. echo "Committing version/version.go update."
  90. git add version/version.go
  91. git commit -m "version: bump up to ${VERSION}"
  92. git diff --staged
  93. fi
  94. # Push the version change if it's not already been pushed.
  95. if [ "$(git rev-list --count "origin/${BRANCH}..${BRANCH}")" -gt 0 ]; then
  96. read -p "Push version bump up to ${VERSION} to [y/N]? " -r confirm
  97. [[ "${confirm,,}" == "y" ]] || exit 1
  98. git push
  99. fi
  100. # Tag release.
  101. if [ "$(git tag --list | grep -c "${RELEASE_VERSION}")" -gt 0 ]; then
  102. echo "Skipping tag step. git tag ${RELEASE_VERSION} already exists."
  103. else
  104. echo "Tagging release..."
  105. git tag --local-user "${KEYID}" --sign "${RELEASE_VERSION}" --message "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  106. fi
  107. # Verify the latest commit has the version tag
  108. local tag="$(git describe --exact-match HEAD)"
  109. if [ "${tag}" != "${RELEASE_VERSION}" ]; then
  110. echo "Error: Expected HEAD to be tagged with ${RELEASE_VERSION}, but 'git describe --exact-match HEAD' reported: ${tag}"
  111. exit 1
  112. fi
  113. # Verify the version tag is on the right branch
  114. local branch=$(git branch --contains "${RELEASE_VERSION}")
  115. if [ "${branch}" != "release-${MINOR_VERSION}" ]; then
  116. echo "Error: Git tag ${RELEASE_VERSION} should be on branch release-${MINOR_VERSION} but is on ${branch}"
  117. exit 1
  118. fi
  119. # Push the tag change if it's not already been pushed.
  120. read -p "Push etcd ${RELEASE_VERSION} tag [y/N]? " -r confirm
  121. [[ "${confirm,,}" == "y" ]] || exit 1
  122. git push origin "tags/${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  123. fi
  124. # Build release.
  125. # TODO: check the release directory for all required build artifacts.
  126. if [ -d release ]; then
  127. echo "Skpping release build step. /release directory already exists."
  128. else
  129. echo "Building release..."
  130. # Check for old and new names of the release build script.
  131. # TODO: Move the release script into this on as a function?
  132. if [ -f ./scripts/ ]; then
  133. ./scripts/ "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  134. else
  135. ./scripts/ "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  136. fi
  137. fi
  138. # Sanity checks.
  139. "./release/etcd-${RELEASE_VERSION}-$(go env GOOS)-amd64/etcd" --version | grep -q "etcd Version: ${VERSION}" || true
  140. "./release/etcd-${RELEASE_VERSION}-$(go env GOOS)-amd64/etcdctl" version | grep -q "etcdctl version: ${VERSION}" || true
  141. # Generate SHA256SUMS
  142. echo -e "Generating sha256sums of release artifacts.\n"
  143. pushd ./release
  144. ls . | grep -E '\.tar.gz$|\.zip$' | xargs shasum -a 256 > ./SHA256SUMS
  145. popd
  146. if [ -s ./release/SHA256SUMS ]; then
  147. cat ./release/SHA256SUMS
  148. else
  149. echo "sha256sums is not valid. Aborting."
  150. exit 1
  151. fi
  152. # Upload artifacts.
  153. if [ "${NO_UPLOAD}" == 1 ]; then
  154. echo "Skipping artifact upload to gs://etcd. --no-upload flat is set."
  155. else
  156. read -p "Upload etcd ${RELEASE_VERSION} release artifacts to gs://etcd [y/N]? " -r confirm
  157. [[ "${confirm,,}" == "y" ]] || exit 1
  158. gsutil -m cp ./release/SHA256SUMS "gs://etcd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/"
  159. gsutil -m cp ./release/*.zip "gs://etcd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/"
  160. gsutil -m cp ./release/*.tar.gz "gs://etcd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/"
  161. gsutil -m acl ch -u allUsers:R -r "gs://etcd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/"
  162. fi
  163. # Push images.
  164. if [ "${NO_DOCKER_PUSH}" == 1 ]; then
  165. echo "Skipping docker push. --no-docker-push flat is set."
  166. else
  167. read -p "Publish etcd ${RELEASE_VERSION} docker images to [y/N]? " -r confirm
  168. [[ "${confirm,,}" == "y" ]] || exit 1
  169. # shellcheck disable=SC2034
  170. for i in {1..5}; do
  171. docker login && break
  172. echo "login failed, retrying"
  173. done
  174. gcloud docker -- login -u _json_key -p "$(cat /etc/gcp-key-etcd-development.json)"
  175. echo "Pushing container images to ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  176. docker push "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  177. echo "Pushing container images to ${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  178. gcloud docker -- push "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
  179. for TARGET_ARCH in "-arm64" "-ppc64le"; do
  180. echo "Pushing container images to ${RELEASE_VERSION}${TARGET_ARCH}"
  181. docker push "${RELEASE_VERSION}${TARGET_ARCH}"
  182. echo "Pushing container images to ${RELEASE_VERSION}${TARGET_ARCH}"
  183. gcloud docker -- push "${RELEASE_VERSION}${TARGET_ARCH}"
  184. done
  185. echo "Setting permissions using gsutil..."
  186. gsutil -m acl ch -u allUsers:R -r gs://
  187. fi
  188. ### Release validation
  189. mkdir -p downloads
  190. # Check image versions
  192. local image_version=$(docker run --rm "${IMAGE}" etcd --version | grep "etcd Version" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | tr -d '[:space:]')
  193. if [ "${image_version}" != "${VERSION}" ]; then
  194. echo "Check failed: etcd --version output for ${IMAGE} is incorrect: ${image_version}"
  195. exit 1
  196. fi
  197. done
  198. # Check gsutil binary versions
  199. local BINARY_TGZ="etcd-${RELEASE_VERSION}-$(go env GOOS)-amd64.tar.gz"
  200. gsutil cp "gs://etcd/${RELEASE_VERSION}/${BINARY_TGZ}" downloads
  201. tar -zx -C downloads -f "downloads/${BINARY_TGZ}"
  202. local binary_version=$("./downloads/etcd-${RELEASE_VERSION}-$(go env GOOS)-amd64/etcd" --version | grep "etcd Version" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | tr -d '[:space:]')
  203. if [ "${binary_version}" != "${VERSION}" ]; then
  204. echo "Check failed: etcd --version output for ${BINARY_TGZ} from gs://etcd/${RELEASE_VERSION} is incorrect: ${binary_version}"
  205. exit 1
  206. fi
  207. # TODO: signing process
  208. echo ""
  209. echo "WARNING: The release has not been signed and published to github. This must be done manually."
  210. echo ""
  211. echo "Success."
  212. exit 0
  213. }
  214. POSITIONAL=()
  215. NO_UPLOAD=0
  217. while test $# -gt 0; do
  218. case "$1" in
  219. -h|--help)
  220. shift
  221. help
  222. exit 0
  223. ;;
  224. --no-upload)
  225. NO_UPLOAD=1
  226. shift
  227. ;;
  228. --no-docker-push)
  230. shift
  231. ;;
  232. *)
  233. POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
  234. shift # past argument
  235. ;;
  236. esac
  237. done
  238. set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
  239. if [[ ! $# -eq 1 ]]; then
  240. help
  241. exit 1
  242. fi
  243. main "$1"