--- title: Upgrading etcd clusters and applications --- This section contains documents specific to upgrading etcd clusters and applications. ## Moving from etcd API v2 to API v3 * [Migrate applications from using API v2 to API v3][migrate-apps] ## Upgrading an etcd v3.x cluster * [Upgrade etcd from 3.0 to 3.1][upgrade-3-1] * [Upgrade etcd from 3.1 to 3.2][upgrade-3-2] ## Upgrading from etcd v2.3 * [Upgrade a v2.3 cluster to v3.0][upgrade-cluster] [migrate-apps]: ../op-guide/v2-migration.md [upgrade-cluster]: upgrade_3_0.md [upgrade-3-1]: upgrade_3_1.md [upgrade-3-2]: upgrade_3_2.md