--- title: gRPC Gateway --- etcd v3 uses [gRPC][grpc] for its messaging protocol. The etcd project includes a gRPC-based [Go client][go-client] and a command line utility, [etcdctl][etcdctl], for communicating with an etcd cluster through gRPC. For languages with no gRPC support, etcd provides a JSON [grpc-gateway][grpc-gateway]. This gateway serves a RESTful proxy that translates HTTP/JSON requests into gRPC messages. ## Using grpc-gateway The gateway accepts a [JSON mapping][json-mapping] for etcd's [protocol buffer][api-ref] message definitions. Note that `key` and `value` fields are defined as byte arrays and therefore must be base64 encoded in JSON. Use `curl` to put and get a key: ```bash </dev/null 2>&1 # {"result":{"header":{"cluster_id":"12585971608760269493","member_id":"13847567121247652255","revision":"2","raft_term":"2"},"events":[{"kv":{"key":"Zm9v","create_revision":"2","mod_revision":"2","version":"1","value":"YmFy"}}]}} ``` ## Swagger Generated [Swagger][swagger] API definitions can be found at [rpc.swagger.json][swagger-doc]. [api-ref]: ./api_reference_v3.md [go-client]: https://github.com/coreos/etcd/tree/master/clientv3 [etcdctl]: https://github.com/coreos/etcd/tree/master/etcdctl [grpc]: http://www.grpc.io/ [grpc-gateway]: https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway [json-mapping]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json [swagger]: http://swagger.io/ [swagger-doc]: apispec/swagger/rpc.swagger.json