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type Stream

Stream struct {
	source <-chan interface{}

Stream Returns a readable stream that can be read in and processed, then flowing to the next stream.

func From

type GenerateFunc func(source chan<- interface{})

func From(generate GenerateFunc) Stream

Create a stream that the following functions can read in. As the beginning of the flow.

func Just

func Just(items ...interface{}) Stream

Converts the given arbitrary items to a Stream.

func Range

func Range(source <-chan interface{}) Stream

Converts the given channel to a Stream.

type Option

rxOptions struct {
  // whether to limit the parallel number 
  // [true: defaultWorkers(16); false: option.workers]
  unlimitedWorkers bool
  // count of parallel workers
  workers          int

type Option func(opts *rxOptions)

func WithWorkers

func WithWorkers(workers int) Option

Lets the caller to customize the concurrent workers. Will sets the minimum number of parallelism: minWorkers(1)

func (Stream) Buffer

func (p Stream) Buffer(n int) Stream

Buffers the items into a queue with size n.It can balance the producer and the consumer if their processing throughput don't match.

func (Stream) Count

func (p Stream) Count() (int)

Counts the number of elements in the result.

func (Stream) Distinct

type KeyFunc    func(item interface{}) interface{}

func (p Stream) Distinct(fn KeyFunc) Stream

Removes the duplicated items base on the given KeyFunc.

func (Stream) Done

func (p Stream) Done()

Waits all upstreaming operations to be done.

func (Stream) Filter

type FilterFunc func(item interface{}) bool

func (p Stream) Filter(fn FilterFunc, opts ...Option) Stream

Filters the items by the given FilterFunc.

func (Stream) ForAll

type ForAllFunc func(pipe <-chan interface{})

func (Stream) ForAll(fn ForAllFunc)

Handles the streaming elements from the source and no later streams.

func (Stream) ForEach

type ForEachFunc  func(item interface{})

func (p Stream) ForEach(fn ForEachFunc)

Seals the Stream with the ForEachFunc on each item, no successive operations.

func (Stream) Group

type KeyFunc  func(item interface{}) interface{}

func (p Stream) Group(fn KeyFunc) Stream

Groups the elements into different groups based on their keys.

func (Stream) Head

func (p Stream) Head(int64) Stream

The first few elements in the stream are taken out in order, and return a new Stream.

func (Stream) Map

type MapFunc func(item interface{}) interface{}

func (p Stream) Map(fn MapFunc, opts ...Option) Stream

Converts each item to another corresponding item, which means it's a 1:1 model.

func (Stream) Merge

func (p Stream) Merge() Stream

Merges all the items into a slice and generates a new stream.

func (Stream) Parallel

type ParallelFunc func(item interface{})

func (p Stream) Parallel(fn ParallelFunc, opts ...Option)

Applies the given ParallelFunc to each item concurrently with given number of workers.Finally, execute Done()

func (Stream) Reduce

type ReduceFunc func(pipe <-chan interface{}) (interface{}, error)

func (p Stream) Reduce(fn ReduceFunc) (interface{}, error)

Reduce is a utility method to let the caller deal with the underlying channel.

func (Stream) Reduce

func (p Stream) Reverse() Stream

Reverse reverses the elements in the stream.

func (Stream) Reverse

func (p Stream) Reverse() Stream

Reverses the elements in the stream.

func (Stream) Sort

type 	LessFunc func(a, b interface{}) bool

func (p Stream) Sort(less LessFunc) Stream

Sorts the items from the underlying source.

func (Stream) Split

func (p Stream) Split(int) Stream

Split splits the elements into chunk with size up to n, might be less than n on tailing elements.

func (Stream) Split

func (p Stream) Tail(n int64) Stream

Outputs the last N elements of the stream in reverse order to the next stream

func (Stream) Walk

type WalkFunc  func(item interface{}, pipe chan<- interface{})

func (p Stream) Walk(fn WalkFunc, opts ...Option) Stream

Lets the callers handle each item, the caller may write zero, one or more items base on the given item.