package api import ( "fmt" "net/http" "regexp" "strings" "unicode" "" ) const ( versionRegex = `(?m)"v[1-9][0-9]*"` importValueRegex = `(?m)"(/?[a-zA-Z0-9_#-])+\.api"` tagRegex = `(?m)\x60[a-z]+:".+"\x60` ) var ( holder = struct{}{} kind = map[string]struct{}{ "bool": holder, "int": holder, "int8": holder, "int16": holder, "int32": holder, "int64": holder, "uint": holder, "uint8": holder, "uint16": holder, "uint32": holder, "uint64": holder, "uintptr": holder, "float32": holder, "float64": holder, "complex64": holder, "complex128": holder, "string": holder, "byte": holder, "rune": holder, } ) func match(p *ApiParserParser, text string) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if v != text { notifyErrorListeners(p, expecting(text, v)) } } func checkVersion(p *ApiParserParser) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if !matchRegex(v, versionRegex) { notifyErrorListeners(p, mismatched("version", v)) } } func checkImportValue(p *ApiParserParser) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if !matchRegex(v, importValueRegex) { notifyErrorListeners(p, mismatched("import value", v)) } } func checkKeyValue(p *ApiParserParser) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if !strings.HasPrefix(v, ":") { notifyErrorListeners(p, mismatched(":", v)) } v = strings.TrimPrefix(v, ":") v = strings.TrimFunc(v, func(r rune) bool { return unicode.IsSpace(r) }) setCurrentTokenText(p, v) } func checkHTTPMethod(p *ApiParserParser) { method := getCurrentTokenText(p) uppler := strings.ToUpper(method) switch uppler { case http.MethodPost, http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead, http.MethodPut, http.MethodPatch, http.MethodDelete, http.MethodConnect, http.MethodOptions, http.MethodTrace: if method != strings.ToLower(method) { notifyErrorListeners(p, expecting("http method lower case", method)) } default: notifyErrorListeners(p, expecting("http method", method)) } } func checkKeyword(p *ApiParserParser) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if IsGolangKeyWord(v) { notifyErrorListeners(p, fmt.Sprintf("expecting ID, found golang keyword: '%s'", v)) } } func checkKey(p *ApiParserParser) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if IsGolangKeyWord(v) { notifyErrorListeners(p, fmt.Sprintf("expecting ID, found golang keyword: '%s'", v)) } if _, ok := kind[v]; !ok { notifyErrorListeners(p, fmt.Sprintf("expecting golang basic type, found : '%s'", v)) } } // IsBasicType returns true if the input argument is basic golang type func IsBasicType(text string) bool { _, ok := kind[text] return ok } // IsGolangKeyWord returns true if input argument is golang keyword, but it will be ignored which in excepts func IsGolangKeyWord(text string, excepts ...string) bool { for _, each := range excepts { if text == each { return false } } switch text { case "var", "const", "package", "import", "func", "return", "defer", "go", "select", "interface", "struct", "break", "case", "continue", "for", "fallthrough", "else", "if", "switch", "goto", "default", "chan", "type", "map", "range": return true default: return false } } func isNormal(p *ApiParserParser) bool { ct := p.GetTokenStream().(*antlr.CommonTokenStream) line := p.GetCurrentToken().GetLine() tokens := ct.GetAllTokens() var list []string for _, token := range tokens { if token.GetLine() == line { text := token.GetText() if strings.HasPrefix(text, "//") { continue } if strings.HasPrefix(text, "/*") { continue } if text == "" { continue } if strings.TrimSpace(text) == "" { continue } list = append(list, text) } } if len(list) == 1 { t := strings.TrimPrefix(list[0], "*") if IsGolangKeyWord(t) { notifyErrorListeners(p, fmt.Sprintf("expecting ID, found golang keyword: '%s'", t)) } } if len(list) > 1 { if list[0] == "*" { t := strings.TrimPrefix(list[1], "*") if IsGolangKeyWord(t) { notifyErrorListeners(p, fmt.Sprintf("expecting ID, found golang keyword: '%s'", t)) } return false } } return len(list) > 1 } // MatchTag returns a Boolean value, which returns true if it does matched, otherwise returns fase func MatchTag(v string) bool { return matchRegex(v, tagRegex) } func isInterface(p *ApiParserParser) { v := getCurrentTokenText(p) if IsGolangKeyWord(v) { notifyErrorListeners(p, fmt.Sprintf("expecting ID, found golang keyword: '%s'", v)) } } func getCurrentTokenText(p *ApiParserParser) string { token := p.GetCurrentToken() if token == nil { return "" } return token.GetText() } func setCurrentTokenText(p *ApiParserParser, text string) { token := p.GetCurrentToken() if token == nil { return } token.SetText(text) } func notifyErrorListeners(p *ApiParserParser, msg string) { p.NotifyErrorListeners(msg, nil, nil) } func matchRegex(text, str string) bool { re := regexp.MustCompile(str) v := re.FindString(text) text = strings.TrimFunc(text, func(r rune) bool { return unicode.IsSpace(r) }) return v == text } func expecting(expecting, found string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`expecting '%s', found input '%s'`, expecting, found) } func mismatched(expecting, found string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`mismatched '%s', found input '%s'`, expecting, found) }