package logx import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path" "runtime" "runtime/debug" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" "" ) const ( // InfoLevel logs everything InfoLevel = iota // ErrorLevel includes errors, slows, stacks ErrorLevel // SevereLevel only log severe messages SevereLevel ) const ( timeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07" accessFilename = "access.log" errorFilename = "error.log" severeFilename = "severe.log" slowFilename = "slow.log" statFilename = "stat.log" consoleMode = "console" volumeMode = "volume" levelInfo = "info" levelError = "error" levelSevere = "severe" levelFatal = "fatal" levelSlow = "slow" levelStat = "stat" backupFileDelimiter = "-" callerInnerDepth = 5 flags = 0x0 ) var ( ErrLogPathNotSet = errors.New("log path must be set") ErrLogNotInitialized = errors.New("log not initialized") ErrLogServiceNameNotSet = errors.New("log service name must be set") writeConsole bool logLevel uint32 infoLog io.WriteCloser errorLog io.WriteCloser severeLog io.WriteCloser slowLog io.WriteCloser statLog io.WriteCloser stackLog io.Writer once sync.Once initialized uint32 options logOptions ) type ( logEntry struct { Timestamp string `json:"@timestamp"` Level string `json:"level"` Duration string `json:"duration,omitempty"` Content string `json:"content"` } logOptions struct { gzipEnabled bool logStackCooldownMills int keepDays int } LogOption func(options *logOptions) Logger interface { Error(...interface{}) Errorf(string, ...interface{}) Info(...interface{}) Infof(string, ...interface{}) Slow(...interface{}) Slowf(string, ...interface{}) WithDuration(time.Duration) Logger } ) func MustSetup(c LogConf) { Must(SetUp(c)) } // SetUp sets up the logx. If already set up, just return nil. // we allow SetUp to be called multiple times, because for example // we need to allow different service frameworks to initialize logx respectively. // the same logic for SetUp func SetUp(c LogConf) error { switch c.Mode { case consoleMode: setupWithConsole(c) return nil case volumeMode: return setupWithVolume(c) default: return setupWithFiles(c) } } func Close() error { if writeConsole { return nil } if atomic.LoadUint32(&initialized) == 0 { return ErrLogNotInitialized } atomic.StoreUint32(&initialized, 0) if infoLog != nil { if err := infoLog.Close(); err != nil { return err } } if errorLog != nil { if err := errorLog.Close(); err != nil { return err } } if severeLog != nil { if err := severeLog.Close(); err != nil { return err } } if slowLog != nil { if err := slowLog.Close(); err != nil { return err } } if statLog != nil { if err := statLog.Close(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func Disable() { once.Do(func() { atomic.StoreUint32(&initialized, 1) infoLog = iox.NopCloser(ioutil.Discard) errorLog = iox.NopCloser(ioutil.Discard) severeLog = iox.NopCloser(ioutil.Discard) slowLog = iox.NopCloser(ioutil.Discard) statLog = iox.NopCloser(ioutil.Discard) stackLog = ioutil.Discard }) } func Error(v ...interface{}) { ErrorCaller(1, v...) } func Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) { ErrorCallerf(1, format, v...) } func ErrorCaller(callDepth int, v ...interface{}) { errorSync(fmt.Sprint(v...), callDepth+callerInnerDepth) } func ErrorCallerf(callDepth int, format string, v ...interface{}) { errorSync(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...), callDepth+callerInnerDepth) } func ErrorStack(v ...interface{}) { // there is newline in stack string stackSync(fmt.Sprint(v...)) } func ErrorStackf(format string, v ...interface{}) { // there is newline in stack string stackSync(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)) } func Info(v ...interface{}) { infoSync(fmt.Sprint(v...)) } func Infof(format string, v ...interface{}) { infoSync(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)) } func Must(err error) { if err != nil { msg := formatWithCaller(err.Error(), 3) log.Print(msg) output(severeLog, levelFatal, msg) os.Exit(1) } } func SetLevel(level uint32) { atomic.StoreUint32(&logLevel, level) } func Severe(v ...interface{}) { severeSync(fmt.Sprint(v...)) } func Severef(format string, v ...interface{}) { severeSync(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)) } func Slow(v ...interface{}) { slowSync(fmt.Sprint(v...)) } func Slowf(format string, v ...interface{}) { slowSync(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)) } func Stat(v ...interface{}) { statSync(fmt.Sprint(v...)) } func Statf(format string, v ...interface{}) { statSync(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)) } func WithCooldownMillis(millis int) LogOption { return func(opts *logOptions) { opts.logStackCooldownMills = millis } } func WithKeepDays(days int) LogOption { return func(opts *logOptions) { opts.keepDays = days } } func WithGzip() LogOption { return func(opts *logOptions) { opts.gzipEnabled = true } } func createOutput(path string) (io.WriteCloser, error) { if len(path) == 0 { return nil, ErrLogPathNotSet } return NewLogger(path, DefaultRotateRule(path, backupFileDelimiter, options.keepDays, options.gzipEnabled), options.gzipEnabled) } func errorSync(msg string, callDepth int) { if shouldLog(ErrorLevel) { outputError(errorLog, msg, callDepth) } } func formatWithCaller(msg string, callDepth int) string { var buf strings.Builder caller := getCaller(callDepth) if len(caller) > 0 { buf.WriteString(caller) buf.WriteByte(' ') } buf.WriteString(msg) return buf.String() } func getCaller(callDepth int) string { var buf strings.Builder _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(callDepth) if ok { short := file for i := len(file) - 1; i > 0; i-- { if file[i] == '/' { short = file[i+1:] break } } buf.WriteString(short) buf.WriteByte(':') buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(line)) } return buf.String() } func getTimestamp() string { return timex.Time().Format(timeFormat) } func handleOptions(opts []LogOption) { for _, opt := range opts { opt(&options) } } func infoSync(msg string) { if shouldLog(InfoLevel) { output(infoLog, levelInfo, msg) } } func output(writer io.Writer, level, msg string) { info := logEntry{ Timestamp: getTimestamp(), Level: level, Content: msg, } outputJson(writer, info) } func outputError(writer io.Writer, msg string, callDepth int) { content := formatWithCaller(msg, callDepth) output(writer, levelError, content) } func outputJson(writer io.Writer, info interface{}) { if content, err := json.Marshal(info); err != nil { log.Println(err.Error()) } else if atomic.LoadUint32(&initialized) == 0 || writer == nil { log.Println(string(content)) } else { writer.Write(append(content, '\n')) } } func setupLogLevel(c LogConf) { switch c.Level { case levelInfo: SetLevel(InfoLevel) case levelError: SetLevel(ErrorLevel) case levelSevere: SetLevel(SevereLevel) } } func setupWithConsole(c LogConf) { once.Do(func() { atomic.StoreUint32(&initialized, 1) writeConsole = true setupLogLevel(c) infoLog = newLogWriter(log.New(os.Stdout, "", flags)) errorLog = newLogWriter(log.New(os.Stderr, "", flags)) severeLog = newLogWriter(log.New(os.Stderr, "", flags)) slowLog = newLogWriter(log.New(os.Stderr, "", flags)) stackLog = NewLessWriter(errorLog, options.logStackCooldownMills) statLog = infoLog }) } func setupWithFiles(c LogConf) error { var opts []LogOption var err error if len(c.Path) == 0 { return ErrLogPathNotSet } opts = append(opts, WithCooldownMillis(c.StackCooldownMillis)) if c.Compress { opts = append(opts, WithGzip()) } if c.KeepDays > 0 { opts = append(opts, WithKeepDays(c.KeepDays)) } accessFile := path.Join(c.Path, accessFilename) errorFile := path.Join(c.Path, errorFilename) severeFile := path.Join(c.Path, severeFilename) slowFile := path.Join(c.Path, slowFilename) statFile := path.Join(c.Path, statFilename) once.Do(func() { atomic.StoreUint32(&initialized, 1) handleOptions(opts) setupLogLevel(c) if infoLog, err = createOutput(accessFile); err != nil { return } if errorLog, err = createOutput(errorFile); err != nil { return } if severeLog, err = createOutput(severeFile); err != nil { return } if slowLog, err = createOutput(slowFile); err != nil { return } if statLog, err = createOutput(statFile); err != nil { return } stackLog = NewLessWriter(errorLog, options.logStackCooldownMills) }) return err } func setupWithVolume(c LogConf) error { if len(c.ServiceName) == 0 { return ErrLogServiceNameNotSet } c.Path = path.Join(c.Path, c.ServiceName, sysx.Hostname()) return setupWithFiles(c) } func severeSync(msg string) { if shouldLog(SevereLevel) { output(severeLog, levelSevere, fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", msg, string(debug.Stack()))) } } func shouldLog(level uint32) bool { return atomic.LoadUint32(&logLevel) <= level } func slowSync(msg string) { if shouldLog(ErrorLevel) { output(slowLog, levelSlow, msg) } } func stackSync(msg string) { if shouldLog(ErrorLevel) { output(stackLog, levelError, fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", msg, string(debug.Stack()))) } } func statSync(msg string) { if shouldLog(InfoLevel) { output(statLog, levelStat, msg) } } type logWriter struct { logger *log.Logger } func newLogWriter(logger *log.Logger) logWriter { return logWriter{ logger: logger, } } func (lw logWriter) Close() error { return nil } func (lw logWriter) Write(data []byte) (int, error) { lw.logger.Print(string(data)) return len(data), nil }